The Thing (2011) Movie Review

A project that began as a remake of John Carpenter's The Thing, The Thing ended up being a prequel that everyone thought was a remake because they just called the thing (blog) The Thing. It's about an alien lifeform that mimics it's victims in Antarctica... that is, until it gets it's ass kicked by Americans! This time, Americans at the Norwegian

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The Wicker Man Movie Review

Famously terrible, The Wicker Man stars Nicolas Cage as Edward Malus, a cop tasked with finding a missing girl. Not by his (blog post) station, but a random letter. Don't worry, compared to his adventure ahead, that's the part of the story that actually makes the most sense.Source: The Wicker Man Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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Seeing Hatchet 3 (2013) (Decker Shado review)

Hatchet 3 was the horror film of the Hatchet trilogy. It tells the story of Victor Crowley, his murderous rampage through Louisiana's Honey Island Swamp. Kane Hodder plays Victor Crowley, Brian Quinn portrays Deputy Winslow, Rileah vanderbilt portrays Misty. The film's greatest strength lies in its use of practical special effects. Hatchet 3

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Hellraiser 2022 movie reaction (Decker Shado)

Out now on Hulu, it's the latest Hellraiser movie! Boy, this series has been through the wringer, hasn't it? From Inferno, to Deader, Hellworld, Hellseeker, Revelations and Judgement it seems that the Hellraiser series is mostly about just throwing out a random horror movie, putting pins in someone's cranium and keeping the rights for at least

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